New Year’s Event
Are you ready to celebrate together? Let’s celebrate the past New Year’s Eve and all the parties that we have […]
Are you ready to celebrate together? Let’s celebrate the past New Year’s Eve and all the parties that we have […]
Where is the better place to honor the Classic Christmas dinner feeling like home? Jackie O’, between tradition and enterntainment,
A special tasting in collaboration with Chiara Giannotti from a trip in the wine’s wolrd. 4 winery, 1 Master
A thrilling night in a special Sunday at Jackie O’, where you can enjoy a themed menu that warms up
TASTING PIEDMONT A theamed dinner when you can be surprised by unique culinary combinations, studied down to the smallest details
SAVE THE DATE! AUGUST 25thSEPTEMBER 1st After summer holidays we are ready to welcome you again among our colors, music